Project Highlights
Location: Columbia, MD
Architect: TCA Architects
Delivery Method: Construction Management Agency
Owner: Howard County Public School System
Contract Amount: $36.2 M

Project Summary
The 88,229 SF replacement school was uniquely designed as a two-story structure with an ‘H’ shaped configuration on a 10-acre site. The existing school remained occupied and operational while the replacement school was constructed on the same site. The old school was then demolished, and athletic fields and a parking lot were constructed in its place. The media center is centrally located, connecting the single-story administration, gymnasium, and cafetorium wing to the two-story classroom wing. The school is designed with an emphasis on energy efficiency and sustainability and incorporates the use of photovoltaic panels.
Talbott Springs Elementary School received an Honorable Mention for the 2023 Excellence in Construction award from the Associated Builders and Contractors of Metro Washington and Virginia.